3D Scanning / 3D Modeling

3D Scanning and Modeling

3D scanning for industrial inspections offers several advantages over traditional inspection methods. It allows for faster data capture, high accuracy, non-contact measurements, and the ability to capture complex geometries and hard-to-reach areas. It also enables better visualization, analysis, and sharing of the inspection results, facilitating more efficient decision-making processes.

Note: that specific scanning techniques, equipment, and analysis methods may vary depending on the industry, the object being inspected, and the desired outcomes.


Why use 3D Scanning?

  • Scanning Equipment: A 3D scanner is used to capture the physical geometry and surface characteristics of the object being inspected. 
  • Data Capture: The scanner emits laser beams or structured light patterns onto the object, and sensors within the scanner measure the reflected signals or the distortion of the light patterns.
  • Point Cloud Generation: The collected data is processed and transformed into a point cloud, which is a collection of millions of individual points in 3D space. 
  • Data Processing: Once the point cloud is generated, further processing is often performed to refine and enhance the data. 
  • Inspection and Analysis: With the refined point cloud data, various inspection and analysis techniques can be applied. 
  • Reporting and Documentation: The results of the inspection are typically compiled into comprehensive reports, visualizations, and documentation.

Why Zener?

7 Laser scanners (incl Ex-Proof) 

500+ completed projects 

Strong engineering & 3D modeling expertise​

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